Punishment For Blasphemy

Punishment For Blasphemy List Of Articles 1. Blasphemers will become demons and animals đź“šGita 16.18-20đź“š Bewildered by false ego, strength, pride, lust and anger, the demons become envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in their own bodies and in the bodies of others, and blaspheme against the real religion. Those who are […]

Punishment For Adultery

Punishment For Adultery List Of Articles 1. Severe punishments for Adulterers đź“šYajnavalkya Smriti 2.289đź“š The highest form of pecuniary punishment is the penalty, if adultery is committed by a man with a woman of the same caste ; the second form is (the penalty, when a similar offence is committed with] a woman of a […]

Punishment For Apostasy

Punishment For Apostasy List Of Articles 1. Apostates shall become slaves đź“šNarada Smriti 5.35đź“š An apostate from asceticism shall become the king’s slave. He can never be emancipated, nor is there any expiation of his crime.”  (source) đź“šVishnu Smriti 5.152đź“š An apostate from religious mendicity shall become the king’s slave.”  (source) 2. Death for Apostasy […]

Punishment For Theft

Punishment For Theft List Of Articles 1. Punishment for Theft đź“šGaruda Purana 1.109.30đź“š A fitting punishment to the thief is the death sentence; being reserved is the best punishment for a false friend; lying on a separate bed is a punishment for women, and non invitation in sacrifice is a punishment for brahmanas.”  (source) đź“šAgni […]

Sins Leading To Hell

Sins Leading To Hell List Of Articles 1. Hell for the ones who partake in Shudra’s food đź“šAngiras Samhita 1:56đź“š [By taking] a Brahmana’s food, [one attains to] poverty; [by taking] a Kshatriya’s food, [one becomes] a beast; [by taking] a Vaishya’s food, one becomes a Shudra; (and by taking] a Shudra’s food, one, forsooth, […]
