Intolerance Towards Buddhism

Intolerance Towards Buddhism List Of Articles 1. Cannot touch a Buddhist 📚Basava Purana Chp 6, Story of Vira Sankara📚 Sankara “Listen to the story fo Vira Sankara, a devotee of Kama Killer. Even in his dreams he never thought of, touched, or spoke about other gods. This was the guiding principle of his life. Then […]

Intolerance Towards Jainism

Intolerance Towards Jainism List Of Articles 1. Cannot touch a Jain 📚Brahmanda Purana 3.14.88📚 It is laid down that one gets defiled by touching a women in her menses, a woman in confinement, a dog, a Cāṇḍāla, nudes (like Digambara Jainas) Nagnas and others and those persons who had carried a dead body.”  (source) 2. Jainism […]

Intolerance Towards Infidels In Hinduism

Intolerance Towards Infidels List Of Articles 1. Gods destroying the Infidels 📚Rig Veda 9.13.9📚 May you (O love divine), the beholder of the path of enlightenment, purifying our mind and destroying the infidels who refuse to offer worship, come and stay in the prime position of the eternal sacrifice.”  (source) 📚Rig Veda 7.6.3📚 May the […]

Human Sacrifices And Cannibalism

Human Sacrifices And Cannibalism List Of Articles 1. Introduction 1.1 Human Sacrifices Human sacrifice is the act of killing one or more humans as part of a ritual, which is usually intended to please or appease gods…” Purushamedha (or Naramedha) is a Śrauta ritual of human sacrifice. The Vajasaneyi Samhita-Sataphana Brahmana-Katyayana Srauta Sutra sequence of Shukla Yajur Veda texts contains the most details.”  […]

Murderer Gods Of Hinduism

Divine Acts of Gods In Hinduism List Of Articles 1. Hanuman 📖Valmiki Ramayana 5.54.24-28 The demons, who were running hither and thither to protect their houses and who lost their spirits and abundant wealth, created a tumultuous nose, saying “Alas! The fire-god has come really in a form of this monkey! Some women crying and […]
